terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2014

Just check the Createspace Cover!

Noble reader,

The Next Target has been released also on Createspace. The cover (see below) is slightly different from the Kindle edition.

quinta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2014

Want to support my Thunderclap campaign?


Do you want to support the Thunderclap campaign for the release of the fourth (English) edition of The Next Target? We need to reach 100 supporters until december/8th so that Thunderclap accepts to trigger the campaign.

Here is the link (no money involved):


segunda-feira, 24 de novembro de 2014

Launch of The Next Target

Noble reader,

For daily updates on the launch of The Next Target (scheduled to Dec/8th), please visit my Google Plus page:


Lançamento adiado

Nobres leitores,

Eu havia informado aqui que o re-lançamento de O Próximo Alvo seria nos dias 6 e 7 de dezembro.
Mas, por um atraso da EraEclipse, o lançamento foi adiado.
Quando a editora me informar a data certa do lançamento, eu informo a vocês.


Marcel T.

segunda-feira, 17 de novembro de 2014

Save the date: December/8th

Noble reader,

The release date of The Next Target will be December/8th.
From December/8th to December/12th, the blog tour will take place AND the ebook will be priced at only $1.99

See you there!


Marcel T.

quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2014

Blog tour for The Next Target to be released soon

Noble reader,

In a partnership with Leiah Cooper (soireadthisbooktoday), editor of the English edition of The Next Target, I'm arranging a blog tour to be released soon.

During this tour, expected to start in a few weeks, the The Next Target (as ebook) will be offered at a special price!

Furthermore, there will be some giveaways.

From Leiah's blog you can have access to the latest news as well. Stay tuned!

Marcel T.

domingo, 19 de outubro de 2014

Lançamento de O Próximo Alvo pela EraEclipse

Nobre Leitor(a),

É com imenso prazer que anuncio a data de lançamento da edição da editora EraEclipse, de "O Próximo Alvo". Será durante um evento a se realizar nos dias 6 e 7 de dezembro, aqui no Rio.

Esta edição terá capa e diagramação muito melhores do que a anterior, além de um conteúdo sensivelmente reformulado.

Mais à frente darei mais detalhes.

Fiquem Ligados!!

terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2014

Almost there!

Noble reader,

I'm pleased to announce that the English edition is almost ready to market!

In a couple of weeks, maybe earlier, the book will finally be published.


Marcel T.

segunda-feira, 22 de setembro de 2014

To proofread!!

The final manuscript finally went to the proofreader! What about that?

After he reads it, Leiah Cooper will do the last adjustments prior to the publication.

So, noble reader, stay tuned! The launch of the fourth edition of "The Next Target" is VERY close.


Marcel T.

quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014

Half way


Just to inform that we are half way through the editing process of "The Next Target".

Fourth edition is coming soon!!!


Marcel T.

quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2014

Fourth edition on the way

Noble reader,

I've just closed a deal with the great editor Leiah Cooper. She maintains the blog soireadthisbooktoday.com.
She will take care of my book (The Next Target) in order to produce the fourth edition.

The third edition was a result of great grammar cleanup that removed all basic translation problems, but it was still a hard read.
The fourth edition will be a result of a much deeper editing process, and I'm very confident that this edition will finally sound great to the American audience.

In two or three months I hope to have news to all of you!!


Marcel T.

quinta-feira, 8 de maio de 2014

Third edition available

Noble readers,

Just to inform that the third edition of "The Next Target" is already available on Amazon.

This edition is the result of a clean-up made by a professional editor, who is also a native English speaker. So I expect all the grammar and punctuation issues to be solved.

But if you want to buy the book, hold on! A free book promotion is scheduled to may, 14th and 15th only. So, if you want to download your copy again to get the updated version, just go to Amazon next week and grab your copy!

Click here to go to Amazon.


Marcel T.

quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2014

The Next Target - heading to third edition

Noble reader,

Unfortunately, I've just noticed that the English version of my first book (The Next Target) has some translation issues. I unpublished it from Amazon, and intend to publish again in about one month, when it will be fully revised and edited by a native English speaker (a professional editor).

For those who bought it or downloaded for free during the free book promo days, I think Amazon will make the new edition available for free. I've already contacted their support team to ask for this.

I'll keep you informed.


Marcel T.

terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2014

Entrevista no omnimysterynews - Interview at omninysterynews

Nobre leitor,

Se você não leu ainda, segue o link para a entrevista comigo no omnimysterynews.


Noble reader,

If you still didn't read it, here follows the link to the interview with me at omnimysterynews.

>>link to interview<<

segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2014

Thank you!


I just want to thank all the readers for giving my ebook a chance and for downloading it during the free book promotion last weekend.

There were more than four thousand free downloads in two days, ranking The Next Target number one in the "technothrillers" list and number 56 in the top 100 free downloads list!

As I said in previous posts, I kindly ask a review in return from those who come to read the free ebook.

Marcel T.

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

Free book available

Noble reader,

Here is the link to the interview at omnimysterynews: interview.

And you can download the ebook for free (today and tomorrow), at Amazon.
The only thing I kindly ask in return is a review.


Marcel T.

terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2014

Interview at omnimysterynews

Noble Reader,

Just to inform that on april/12th, an interview with me at omnimysterynews.com will be released!

Soon I'll post here the link to the interview.

Wanna get the English edition of the book? It's available on Amazon:

The Next Target


Marcel T.

segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2014

Pausa (2)

Ainda sobre a "pausa",

Nobre leitor,

Já que estou mudando de editora, estou aproveitando para fazer uma reformulação no livro.
A trama básica, assim como 80% do texto original, permanecem. Porém, a nova versão terá várias melhorias, vindas a partir dos feedbacks que já tive.

Exemplo: as passagens mais "paradas", com muita investigação interna serão modificadas. Essa é apenas uma das mudanças.


Marcel T.